HOW TO JOIN Page Surnames in this Project: Our project is open to any male with the Thompson surname or to any man believing that he is descended in the paternal line from a Thompson or other surname variant (see below). You can participate individually, or as part of a family project with other family members sharing the cost for one or more participants representing the family line. Participants are sought from all parts of the world. We welcome participants of the National Geographic Genographic Project to join the Thompson DNA Project. Surname Variants: Cavish, Combie, Combs, Comish, Coombs, Holmes, Macash, Macavish, Macawis, MacCaish, MacCash, Maccause, MacCavish, MacCaws, MacChombich, MacComaidh, MacComb, MacCombe, MacCombich, MacCombie, MacCombs, MacCome, MacComie, MacComish, MacComy, MacHomas, Macomb, Macomie, Macomish, MacTavish, MacThom, MacThomaidh, MacThomais, MacThomas, MacTomais, Makcawis, Makcaws, MaKcome, M'Avish, M'Awishe, M'Cauish, M'Cavis, M'Cavish, McAwis, McChomay, McColm, McColme, McComas, McComb, McCombe, McCombie, McCome, McComie, McComish, McKawes, M'Colmy, M'Combie, M'Comie, McThomas, M'Homie, M'Thomas, M'Thomie, Tamblyn, Tamesone, Taminson, Tamlin, Tamlyn, Tamplin, Tams, Tamson, Tamzen, Tamzin, Taplin, Tapling, Tappin, Tapping, Tapson, Taweson, Tawesson, Thom, Thomalin, Thomas, Thomasin, Thomason, Thomasset, Thomassin, Thomasson, Thomazin, Thomerson, Thomes, Thomeson, Thomessone, Thomkins, Thomlin, Thomling, Thomlins, Thomlinson, Thomlyn, Thompkins, Thompsen, Thompsett, Thompson, Thoms, Thomsen, Thomsett, Thomson, Thomsone, Thomsoun, Tolmin, Tolming, Tolson, Tomblin, Tomblinson, Tombs, Tomes, Tomkies, Tomkin, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tomlin, Tomlins, Tomlinson, Tomlyn, Tompkin, Tompkins, Tompsett, Tompson, Toms, Tomsett, Tomson, Toombs, Toulmin, Toulson, Towenson, Towerson, Towlason, Towlinson, Towlison, Towlson, Townson, Towson How DNA testing works: The DNA results of one person tell us nothing about our ancestors because we don't have the ancestor's DNA to compare. It is only by finding current DNA matches and comparing genealogies that we can determine our ancestors' DNA markers and our common ancestry. DNA information must be used with traditional historical and genealogical research. DNA results can help prove and disprove relationships, and are especially useful in guiding research. If a DNA profile matches others with the same genealogy, a hypothesized relationship may be correct. At other times, DNA results may point to an unknown adoption in the family or to some other so-called "non-paternity event." For the Thompson DNA Project, we test the Y-chromosome which is passed from father to son. Since a Surname Project traces members of a family who share a common surname, the tested individual must be a male who wants to check his paternal line (father's father's father's...). Females don't carry their father's Y-chromosome, so they should look for a brother or cousin with the Thompson surname to be tested. Females can also help with the Thompson genealogies (see below), and they can contribute to our Sponsorship Fund to help male Thompsons in their line to participate. How do I do the test?
Click here to place an order for a DNA test at Family Tree DNA
GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION: Everyone is encouraged to search our Patriarchs page to find genealogical information about Thompson ancestry. You do not have to participate in the DNA portion of our project to help with the Thompson genealogies. We encourage all descendants to submit information about their Thompson ancestors. Both males and females can add their Thompson pedigrees to our Patriarchs Page. We also seek volunteers with genealogical expertise to help verify, document, and extend the pedigrees. Click here to go to the World Families Network Forum and provide your Pedigree Info for the Patriarchs Page
What do I do if I have questions? Please read the Frequently Asked Questions at World Families Network first. If you still have questions, contact one of the Project Administrators listed below.
For more information, contact Linda Thompson Jonas or Katherine Borges
This site provided by World Families Network